Semester 3 : Notes : Sustainable Engineering

Module 1:- Sustainability

  • Introduction, concept, the evolution of the concept
  • Social, environmental, and economic sustainability concepts
  • Sustainable development, Nexus between Technology and Sustainable development
  • Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

Module 2:- Environmental Pollution

  • Air Pollution and its effects, Water pollution and its sources, Zero waste concept and 3 R concepts in solid waste management
  • Greenhouse effect, Global warming, Climate change, Ozone layer depletion, Carbon credits, carbon trading and carbon footprint, legal provisions for environmental protection.

Module 3:- Environmental Management Standards

  • ISO 14001:2015 framework and benefits
  • Scope and goal of Life Cycle Analysis(LCA)
  • Circular economy
  • Bio-mimicking
  • Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA)
  • Industrial ecology and industrial symbiosis.

Module 4:- Resources And Their Utilisation

  • Basic concepts of Conventional and non-conventional energy
  • General idea about solar energy
  • Fuel cells
  • Wind energy
  • Small hydro plants
  • bio-fuels
  • Energy derived from oceans and Geothermal energy

Module 5:- Sustainability Practices

  • Basic concept of sustainable habitat
  • Methods for increasing energy efficiency in buildings
  • Green Engineering
  • Sustainable Urbanisation
  • Sustainable cities
  • Sustainable transport.