Semester 3 : Notes : Logic System Design

Module 1:- Number systems, Operations & Codes

  • Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number Systems- Number Base Conversions
  • Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of binary numbers
  • Representation of negative numbers- Complements, Subtraction with complements
  • Addition and subtraction of BCD, Octal and Hexadecimal numbers
  • Binary codes- Decimal codes, Error detection codes, Reflected code, Character coding
  • Character coding schemes - ASCII, EBCDIC

Module 2:- Boolean Algebra

  • Postulates of Boolean Algebra
  • Basic theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra
  • Boolean Functions - Canonical and Standard forms
  • Simplification of Boolean Functions- Using Karnaugh- Map Method (up to five variables), Don’t care conditions, product of sums simplification, Tabulation Method
  • Digital Logic Gates- Implementation of Boolean functions using basic and universal gates

Module 3:- Combinational Logic Circuits

  • Design Procedure & Implementation of combinational logic circuits- Binary adders and subtractors, Binary Parallel adder, Carry look-ahead adder, BCD adder, Code converter, Magnitude Comparator, Decoder, Demultiplexer, Encoder, Multiplexer, Parity generator/ Checker

Module 4:- Sequential logic circuits

  • Flip-flops - SR, JK, T and D
  • Triggering Of Flip-Flops - Master-Slave Flip-Flops, Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops
  • Excitation table and characteristic equation
  • Registers - Register with the parallel load
  • Counter Design: Asynchronous Counters - Binary and BCD counters, timing sequences and state diagrams
  • Synchronous Counters - Binary Up-down counter, BCD counter

Module 5:- Shift Registers & Arithmetic Algorithms

  • Shift Registers - Serial In Serial Out, Serial In Parallel Out, Bidirectional Shift Register with Parallel load
  • Ring Counter, Johnson Counter - timing sequences and state diagrams
  • Algorithms for addition and subtraction of binary numbers in signed magnitude and 2's complement representations
  • Algorithm for addition and subtraction of BCD numbers
  • Representation of floating-point numbers, Algorithm for addition and subtraction of floating-point numbers